Tree Consultants
in Wolverhampton, Telford & Surrounding Areas
- Arboricultural Consultancy
- Tree Reports to BS5837
- Extensive Decay Testing
- Aerial Tree Inspections
Contact us today to arrange a site visit and free no-obligation quote.

Why choose Green Co Professional Tree consultancy?
Green Co Tree Surgeons carry out Arboricultural Consultancy services for and on behalf of business premises, schools, local council authorities, land owners/estates, golf clubs and domestic households. We can provide tree safety reports, and tree reports in relation to construction to BS5837 standards.
Our surveyors Tom Taylor and Richard Allen have many years of experience working with trees. With this hands-on experience, combined with sound arboricultural training and knowledge, we are able to carry out visual assessments as well as fully compliant written tree reports for our clients.
Where necessary we can undertake more thorough testing of trees using Tree x-raying by use of Picus specialist decay detection equipment or sonic tomography or resistograph technology. This is often essential to determine the level of decay inside a tree’s stem. This is all done by our highly trained and experienced tree consultants.
Looking for advice or a quotation? Contact us today.
Additional Services
Reasons to choose Green Co Professional Tree Surgeons
When you use Green Co Professional Tree Surgeons you can be assured of a first-class service from start to finish. Our teams excel in all areas of tree care, from large tree removals and hedge trimming to large-scale commercial site clearances. Our commitment to customer service ensures us satisfied clients and a constant flow of referrals.